My Neighbor Alice has launched its Alpha Season 3, presenting a new gaming era with ELLE. Now the esteemed lifestyle and fashion brand has joined the virtual world, plotting its roots in each active zone, gamers can partake in quests to acquire ELLE-branded items — with a touch of Alice’s creative flair!
On top of blending fashion, lifestyle and gaming, My Neighbor Alice Alpha Season 3 showcases other fresh elements, including a crafting system, additional Town Hubs, and free renting opportunities — Alice is breathing new life into the ecosystem, generously opening the doors to non-members as a complimentary gift!
My Neighbor Alice Levels UpÂ
Overriding Alpha Season 1 and Alpha Season 2, My Neighbor Alice’s new crafting feature enables gamers to utilize tickets and blueprints to craft various goods, partake in activities like fishing and farming for materials, and use sturdy crafting tables to bring their imaginations to life. The feature lets players add personal touches to the virtual world, from simple elements to more complicated components. As such, players can now create a virtual space that one could initially only dream of.Â
Moreover, despite Town Hubs being a feature of the past, they are back for Alpha Season 3 and, this time around, bigger and better with a personal touch. The community halls are idyllic places to socialize with other community members and participate in team activities. Each island already has unique town buildings, but players can now add their own inventive sparks to attract like-minded individuals.Â
Members can also share their land plots with friends to show them what they’ve been working ever so hard to build, and offer newcomers access for a limited period. The Free Trial feature demonstrates the gaming platform’s dedication to inclusivity. Players can hand over the keys to their virtual worlds to whoever they wish, just as they would their real-world humble abodes.Â
Last but not least, those wanting an even more unique experience can utilize $ALICE tokens to craft their own exclusive items. Being one of the first gaming platforms to introduce bridged assets, on both Binance Smart Chain and Chromia Appnet, it’s clear that My Neighbor Alice is out to impress.
My Neighbor Alice Alpha Season 3 marks an innovative stride in the gaming sphere through its groundbreaking partnership with ELLE and plethora of new, enticing elements. The multiplayer builder game lays the foundations for a multifaceted entertainment and immersive experience on-chain.Â
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Digital art fanatic who brings a unique perspective to NFT news.
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