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HomeBlockchainMultiSigWallet Enhances Security for Transactions on BitTorrent Chain (BTTC)

MultiSigWallet Enhances Security for Transactions on BitTorrent Chain (BTTC)

Alvin Lang
Aug 28, 2024 08:38

Discover how the MultiSigWallet smart contract is revolutionizing secure transactions on the BitTorrent Chain (BTTC) with multi-signature functionality.

The introduction of the MultiSigWallet smart contract on the BitTorrent Chain (BTTC) is set to revolutionize how secure transactions are conducted on the blockchain, according to BitTorrent Inc.. This innovative smart contract enhances security by requiring multiple approvals before executing transactions.

The MultiSigWallet Contract: A Collaborative Digital Vault

The MultiSigWallet contract functions like a digital vault that requires multiple keys to open, ensuring no single individual can access the funds alone. This feature is particularly advantageous for managing shared funds with enhanced security and consensus.

State Variables and Structs: The Building Blocks

The core components of the MultiSigWallet contract include:

  • owners: An array of addresses with ownership rights.
  • numConfirm: The number of confirmations needed to execute a transaction.
  • Transaction: A struct defining the structure of each transaction.
  • isConfirmed: A nested mapping to track confirmations for each transaction.
  • isOwner: A mapping to quickly verify if an address is an owner.
  • transactions: An array storing all submitted transactions.

Events: Ensuring Transparency

Events are crucial for off-chain tracking and transparency:

  • TransactionSubmitted: Fired when a new transaction is proposed.
  • TransactionConfirmed: Emitted when an owner confirms a transaction.
  • TransactionExecuted: Logs when a transaction is successfully executed.

Constructor: Initializing the Wallet

The constructor of the MultiSigWallet contract initializes the wallet with specified owners and a confirmation threshold:

constructor(address[] memory _owners, uint _numConfirmationRequired) {
require(_owners.length > 1, "owners required must be greater than 1");
_numConfirmationRequired > 0 &&
_numConfirmationRequired <= _owners.length,
"Num of confirmation is not sync with num of owner"
numConfirm = _numConfirmationRequired;

for (uint i = 0; i < _owners.length; i++) {
require(_owners[i] != address(0), “Invalid Owner”);
isOwner[_owners[i]] = true;

This ensures the wallet has at least two owners, a valid number of required confirmations, and all provided owner addresses are valid.

Key Functions: The Heart of Multi-Signature Operations

Submitting a Transaction

Anyone can propose a new transaction using the following function:

function submitTransaction(address _to) public payable {
require(_to != address(0), "Invalid address");
require(msg.value > 0, "Transfer amount must be greater than 0 ");
uint transactionId = transactions.length;

Transaction({to: _to, value: msg.value, executed: false})

emit TransactionSubmitted(transactionId, msg.sender, _to, msg.value);

Confirming a Transaction

Only owners can confirm transactions:

function confirmTransaction(uint _transactionId) public onlyOwner {
require(_transactionId < transactions.length, "Invalid transaction");
"Transaction is already confirmed by owner"
isConfirmed[_transactionId][msg.sender] = true;
emit TransactionConfirmed(_transactionId);

if (isTransactionConfirmed(_transactionId)) {

Checking Transaction Confirmation Status

This view function checks if a transaction has received the required number of confirmations:

function isTransactionConfirmed(
uint _transactionId
) public view returns (bool) {
require(_transactionId < transactions.length, "Invalid transaction");
uint confirmation;
for (uint i = 0; i < numConfirm; i++) {
if (isConfirmed[_transactionId][owners[i]]) {
return confirmation >= numConfirm;

Executing a Transaction

Once the required number of confirmations is reached, the transaction can be executed:

function executeTransaction(uint _transactionId) public payable {
require(_transactionId < transactions.length, "Invalid transaction");
"Transaction is already executed"

(bool success, ) = transactions[_transactionId]{
value: transactions[_transactionId].value

require(success, “Transaction Execution Failed “);
transactions[_transactionId].executed = true;
emit TransactionExecuted(_transactionId);

Beyond the Basics: The Power of Multi-Signature Wallets

The MultiSigWallet contract offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: Multiple approvals reduce unauthorized transactions.
  • Shared Control: Ideal for business accounts or shared funds.
  • Transparency: Blockchain records ensure accountability.
  • Flexibility: Customizable number of owners and confirmations.

Conclusion: Securing the Future of Digital Assets

The MultiSigWallet smart contract represents a significant advancement in digital asset security and management. By requiring multiple signatures for transactions, it creates a robust, trustworthy system for handling funds on the blockchain. This innovation is poised to set a new standard for secure digital finance.

Image source: Shutterstock

Credit: Source link

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