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HomeCrypto NewsBuilding a Blockchain Application with Ruby

Building a Blockchain Application with Ruby


Blockchain has come a long way, transforming from a buzzword to a force that’s changing the world and there’s no way we can look the other way anymore!! 

Blockchain has fueled new ideas in businesses, economies, and the coding hemisphere. Blockchain is driven by cryptocurrencies that work on decentralization, immutability, and consensus mechanisms that let users maintain anonymity and have trustless transactions

Often when blockchain development is discussed, languages that come to mind are Solidity for smart contracts, JavaScript for web3 integration, and interface development.

But Ruby is truly a gem of all languages. It has a robust mechanism for building scalable and reliable applications. Whatever functionality you need, Ruby got it covered – from its super-efficient and expressive syntax to its seamless integration with web frameworks. It’s an all-in-one package that can truly revolutionize blockchain development.

This article delves deeper into blockchain development with Ruby as the language and how optimal it is for any developer to choose it. 

Why choose Ruby?

Expressive Syntax and Developer Efficiency

Since blockchain developers need to handle complex logic elements and long tricky algorithms the savior to this labyrinthine would be ruby as it has a readable and elegant syntax. The expressive syntax of Ruby always helps the developers boost their efficiency when they need to navigate to the logic building and maintain clarity in the code.

Here is the code with which you can just initialize the block class:

From the above code snippet we can derive some key points:

  • Simplified Expression:
    • Readable Code:  Ruby has syntax similar to the natural English script, hence reading and writing code is much easier for a newbie as well. The clarity in the code would result in more efficient error spotting and debugging for the issues.
    • Minimalistic approach: The minimalistic approach focuses on fewer lines of code as compared to other languages. This comes in handy for developers as it simplifies the task and the code logic. It also helps in reducing excessive boilerplate and instead concentrates on the essentials of working on the blockchain.
    • Flexible: Ruby’s flexible syntax makes it easy for developers to integrate complex blockchain logic without being constrained by rigid structures. This flexibility allows for more natural and logical expression of algorithms, consensus mechanisms, and various transactions in blockchain applications.
    • Enhanced Developer Productivity and Code Maintainability: Ruby is valued for its quick prototyping feature. Here you can have the idea implemented faster without having to depend on any type of platform as the code itself is ideal for rapid testing. On top of that, Ruby promotes clean and organized code which is a key aspect of maintaining sustainability in project development.

Robust Ecosystem of Gems and Libraries

The Ruby ecosystem boasts a wealth of open-source libraries, known as gems, which enhance the functionality of programs.Each gem has its own source code, documentation, and metadata. Ruby is a language that has a very active gem directory that makes development on the blockchain much more manageable. These are actually condensed forms of complex operations, which facilitate the interaction with different blockchain networks, by developers. 

Regardless of the cryptocurrency you are using Ruby is your go-to API.

Let’s explore some essential gems that will quickly become your go-to tools for blockchain development with Ruby.

  • bitcoin-ruby Gem: The bitcoin-ruby gem is emerging as powerful facility to integrate bitcoins into your applications. The set of built-in features helps in transactions, handling wallets, and interacting with the network.

The key components to pay attention to are:

  • Transaction Creation: Easily create and sign Bitcoin transactions.
  • Wallet Management: Generate new Bitcoin addresses and manage private keys.
  • Network Interaction: Broadcast transactions and query the Bitcoin blockchain.

Example code snippet:(You can self-execute them using your addresses)

require ‘bitcoin’ = :testnet3

# Generate a new private
key = Bitcoin::Key.generate
puts “Private Key: #{key.to_base58}”
puts “Public Address: #{key.addr}”

ethereum Gem: Similar to the Bitcoin gem ethereum gem integrates and provides a toolkit to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum gems create and manage smart contracts, handle the transactions and query the Ethereum network.

Example code snippet: (You can self-execute them using your addresses)

require ‘ethereum’
client =‘http://localhost:8545’)
key =

client.personal_unlock_account(key.address, ‘your-password’)

puts “Your Ethereum address: #{key.address}”
balance = client.eth_get_balance(key.address)
puts “Balance: #{balance} Wei”

web3-rb Gem: The web3-rb gem is a must-have for developers looking to interact with Ethereum nodes. It handles everything from sending transactions to executing smart contract methods and more. 

Here are some of its key features:

  • Node Connection: Diplomatically interact with Ethereum nodes through JSON-RPC, pitched without the friction of a plush interface.
  • Transaction Handling: Perform transactions transferring Ether, and engage with other parties, as well as applications, or smart contracts.
  •  Smart Contract Calls: Read on chain info and call functions by the contract.

Example code snippet:(You can self-execute them using your addresses)

require ‘web3’

client = host: ‘localhost’, port: 8545, connect_options: {
  open_timeout: 20,
  read_timeout: 140,
  use_ssl: false,
puts “Latest Block Number: #{client.eth.block_number}”
puts “Syncing Status: #{client.eth.syncing?}”

ripple-client Gem: Ripple client gem is extremely useful for integrating Ripple Blockchain and handling the transactions, interacting with the Ripple network seamlessly.The XRP transaction management is really quick and smooth due to this gem, Also you can create and manage the accounts at the drop of a hat.

Example Code snippet:(You can self-execute them using your addresses)

require ‘ripple-client’
client = ‘wss://’)

client.connect do  puts “Connected to Ripple!”  
account = client.account(‘your-ripple-address’)  
puts “Account Balance: #{account.balance(:XRP)}”

stellar-sdk Gem: Stellar sdk has an effortless API that serves in transactions, managing accounts and querying the Stellar Blockchain. You can have seamless  Stellar Lumens payments also retrieve details on all your data at your comfort.

Example code snippet:(You can self-execute them using your addresses)

require ‘stellar-sdk’
server = Stellar::Server.default

account = Stellar::Account.from_seed(‘your-stellar-seed’)
puts “Stellar Account: #{account.address}”
balance = server.account_info(account.address).balances
puts “Account Balance: #{balance}”

If used, these gems will help you tap the full potential of Ruby in your blockchain development projects. Whether you are developing Bitcoin applications or creating new smart contract-based Ethereum programs, Ruby’s environment of gems gets you ready.

Ruby IDEs for Blockchain Development

The first stepping stone of development is having a proper setup. Hence choosing the right Integrated Development Environment that caters to your needs is invaluable. Appropriate choice of IDE doesn’t just streamline the code and readability but also adds to your productivity as a developer as it provides various features such as debugging tools, version control, and cross-integration with libraries and developer shortcuts.


RubyMine is a commercial IDE for Ruby and Ruby on Rails developed by JetBrains.RubyMine has rich set of features like debugger, code insights and code refactor tools.RubyMine is an Integrated Development Environment that supports Ruby and six other languages, which is ideal for blockchain applications that use full-stack Web Application Frameworks.

 Key Features

Integrated Debugging:  RubyMine supports Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript. It has integrated a built-in debugger where you can check and rectify the code if any issue arises in real time and be quick. The debugging tools are excellent as you have a buffet of options to find out the bugs by setting breakpoints, stepping through code, evaluating expressions, stepping over, and running small portions at your ease.

Advanced Refactoring Tools:   Refactoring your code means improving its readability, and internal structure without making any changes to its functionalities or external kernel of the code. Refactoring makes your code clean and readable to another developer. RubyMine provides various refactoring features such as method extraction, renaming, and code reorganization. These tools are particularly valuable when working on complex blockchain applications, where clear and maintainable code is paramount.

Support for Ruby on Rails: Rails is a framework for full-stack development and integration to create amazing web apps with the front end and back end. RubyMine is developed with Rails in mind and has some features such as Rails project templates, ERB language support, integrated database tool. From this development perspective, it becomes clear that for blockchain application developers, one would be able to spin up a Rails application relatively easily which interacts with the blockchain, thus simplifying the development work.

Version Control: Version control is also known as source code management which keeps track of changes to your source code files.RubyMine can integrate with a lot of version control systems like Git, Github, and SVN. This is very helpful when you have more than one contributor in your project where you can clearly track and manage all the changes and branches.

Tools for Database: RubyMine is an integrated development environment in which tools Database is for several databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. During block-chain development there are often interactions with the off-chain databases these tools help to synchronize and monitor the querying of organizations’ MS SQL relational database directly from within the IDE.

Use Case: All the more, RubyMine can be viewed and described as a one-stop solution that meets the needs of Ruby & Rails developers, among them are the blockchain developers. Its excitation functionality is a lot more often used particularly in debugging and refactoring and as such is suitable for building and remodeling blockchain applications

 Pros and Cons:

All-round solution Requires a paid license with a limited free trial.
Influential debugging and refactoring toolsResource intensive hence slows down the lower-end machines
Seamless integration with version control
Invaluable for large-scale application and project collaboration

Visual Studio Code:

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is being applied as a free and open-source code editor that was created by Microsoft, and among modern IDEs, it occupies one of the leading positions. It can be noted that VS Code has low weight, it has a wide selection of extensions, and with the help of extensions, you can work with various languages and frameworks. In the case of Ruby specifically, and blockchain development in particular, VS Code provides a live platform that can be optimized according to functional requirements.


Light Weight: VsCode is the evergreen IDE used by every developer irrespective of the domain of their work because of its speed, reliability, and compatibility with even less powerful machines. The VsCode editor is highly efficient and is lightweight as it loads quickly, and responds quickly consuming fewer resources.

Extensions:  New capabilities of VS Code can be provided by extensions that are available in the Visual Studio Marketplace. Extensions for Ruby include Ruby, Ruby Solargraph, and Ruby Linter which supports mostly syntax highlighting, code autocomplete, and code linter. These extensions are invaluable when it comes to writing good, non-bug-ridden Ruby code, especially in blockchain applications where decimal points matter.

Integrated Terminal:  VS Code includes an integrated terminal that allows you to run shell commands directly within the editor. It is very useful while working with blockchain, when you may need to run multiple command line tools like running local blockchain nodes, executing ruby scripts, and managing version control systems.

Remote Development: Microsoft Corporation created VS Code extensions for remote work including Remote – SSH and Remote – Containers. Here it is useful to note that these features are valuable when working on creating the blockchain infrastructure because, for example, one can perform a task on some remote servers or containerized environments.

Use Case: For developers who are looking for a less rigid IDE, that does not slow down their workflow, VS Code is more than suitable for the job. With its big collection of extensions and a built-in terminal, it is suitable for blockchain development as it allows working with multiple technologies and tools

 Pros and Cons:

Open Source and FreeNeeds full configuration for the specific language 
Faster and light hence suitable for all machinesDoesn’t have some advanced features, particularly for Ruby like RubyMine.
Customizable and provides a vast library of extensions
Remote development and command line tools.

Example: Building a Simple Blockchain Application

This section will guide you through building a basic blockchain application using Ruby, focusing on fundamental blockchain concepts and implementation.


Objective: The purpose of this section is to tell you how you can proceed to develop or build a blockchain application in Ruby. Indeed, this tutorial provides instructions on the implementation of a straightforward one: on completion of this tutorial, you will be in a position to know practically how to construct a simple blockchain accompanied by some practical Sessions.


  • Blockchain management:  This teaches you how to create blocks in Ruby manage them and store them. Understanding how to manage the chain is crucial for ensuring its functionality and security.
  • Adding and securing blocks:  This component if the blockchain helps you add blocks to the blockchain and helps in a secure mechanism that needs to be practiced.
  • Displaying the blockchain: How to visualize the blockchain and verify its integrity.

2. Setup

  • Install Ruby: Install Ruby from the official website. Then ensure the installation by running the command: ruby -v in the terminal.
  • Install Required Gems: For this basic example, we will not be using any additional gems. This keeps the focus on understanding the core blockchain concepts without external dependencies.

 If you wish to extend this project later, you could explore gems like digest for advanced hashing functions or sinatra to create a web interface for your blockchain.

3. Create a Ruby Script

  • Create a New Ruby File: Start by creating a new Ruby file, for example:  touch blockchain.rb
  • This file will contain all your code for the blockchain. Open blockchain.rb in your favorite text editor or IDE, such as RubyMine or Visual Studio Code and start coding!

4. Define the Blockchain Class

Class Definition:

Objective: Create a class that manages the blockchain, including initializing the blockchain and adding blocks.


In the above code:

  • @ chain : is an array that holds all the blocks of the blockchain and connects them 
  • Create_gensis_block: Genesis block is the first block that is created and this function helps you do that.
  • add_block: Adds a new block to the blockchain, ensuring it’s linked to the previous block via its hash.

5. Add Blocks

Define Method to Add Blocks:

Objective: Implement functionality to add new blocks to the blockchain.


  • Block: A class representing each block in the blockchain. It includes attributes like index, timestamp, data, previous_hash, and hash.
  • calculate_hash: This method generates a SHA-256 hash based on the block’s properties, ensuring its uniqueness and security.

6. Calculate Hash

Define Method to Compute Block Hash:

  • Objective:Create a method to generate a unique hash for each block. Hashing is fundamental to blockchain technology as it guarantees that each block is immutable. Once a block is added to the chain, its data cannot be changed without altering all subsequent blocks.
  • Implementation: In the above step 5 we have already calculated the hash.

7. Display the Blockchain

Define Method to Display the Blockchain:

Objective: Implement a method to print the details of all blocks in the blockchain.


8. Example Usage

Create and Use the Blockchain:

Objective: Demonstrate how to use the SimpleBlockchain class.


9. Conclusion

Congratulations! You have made a simple blockchain application in Ruby and have fairly done so. Here’s a recap of what you’ve accomplished: Here’s a recap of what you’ve accomplished:

  •  Block Creation: This keeps the index of the block, the time in which the block was created, the data contained in the block, and the hash of the previous block to have been implemented.
  •  Hashing: You have also understood how the SHA-256 hashing algorithm is applied to create unique hashes for every block so as to help in dealing with the problem of data integrity and non-alterability.
  • Chain Management: You have created procedures to regulate the blockchain such as how to incorporate new blocks and how to present the entire chain in order to validate the chain’s architecture.

Now your simple blockchain application forms a base on which more complicated concepts and technologies of blockchain can be taught

Next Steps:

  • Proof-of-Work (PoW): Design a proof-of-work algorithm to make the system more secure as well as defend your blockchain against possible attacks. As in the course of validation of the new blocks, the PoW involves coming up with solutions to rather complex mathematical problems.
  • Integrate the Ruby gems: While this guide focused on basic functionalities, you can expand your application by incorporating additional Ruby gems to add more features and capabilities.
  • Build Real-World Applications: Use the knowledge gained to create practical applications like decentralized apps (DApps) and integrate various blockchains according to your project needs.

Keep learning and Happy Coding!

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